Go GREEN with Greenleaf!
At Greenleaf, we are committed to the environment! We are proud to offer Organic products and services to our customers, such as Organic Fertilizer and Organic Insect Oil. We buy our office supplies locally whenever possible, cutting down on fuel emission of long-distance delivery trucks and helping promote and sustain our local economy! We are also proud to offer Integrated Pest Management (IPM) spray services to our customers. IPM is a more environmentally friendly approach to insect and weed control and helps maintain plant health . Click here to learn more about IPM.
Organic Lawn Fertilizer
- Naturally builds up the soil by stimulating microbes that fight off disease
and improves the overall health and structure of your soil - Contains no unnecessary or unwanted salts and chemicals like regular
fertilizer - Organic fertilizer releases slower and can last longer than regular
Organic Dormant Insect Oil
Highly effective in controlling dormant insects and their eggs.
It’s environmentally friendly too! No Pesticides!
Soil Sample Test
- For problems with:
- Nutrient deficiencies in plants
- Poor plant growth and response from applied fertilizers
- Poor quality foliage
- Managing manure or compost applications
- Benefits of soil sample testing include:
- Determines nutrient levels in the soil
- Determines pH levels (lime needs)
- Provides a decision making tool to determine what nutrients to apply, how
much, and when
- Potential for higher quality turf, trees, and plants
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- We practice IPM which is a more environment friendly approach to insect and
weed control and plant health. - More site visits insure early detection of pest problems –
early detection means fewer applications are needed and fewer products are used.
As a result, predatory insects survive and the ecosystem remains balanced
Phosphate-Free Fertilizer
- High levels of phosphorous in soil can transfer to water runoff which is
dangerous to our local lakes and streams – phosphate-free fertilizer helps
prevent this. - Phosphorous creates poor water quality that leads to algae blooms, which in
turn can be toxic to aquatic life such as fish, frogs, etc. Phosphate-free
fertilizer is a responsible step to eliminating unnecessary phosphate deposits
into the environment.
Reuse and Recycle
- We recycle wood from pruning and tree services
- We reuse wood chips as recycled bark for shrub beds
- We recycle yard waste from yard clean-ups and renovations
- We recycle and/or reuse grass clippings for compost
- Our office recycles paper, ink, bottles, glasses, batteries, and cans; we reuse the backside of paper for note-taking before we recycle it
Supply & Installation of Native Plants
- Increasing the use of native plants in landscape design reduces the risk from
invasive species and helps bolster the wild native plant populations keeping our ecosystem balanced! - Some common plants that are native to the Northwest are: Douglas Fir, Quaking
Aspen, Vine Maple, Red Twig Dogwood, Oregon Grape, Spirea, Goldenrod, and many
Natural Pruning
- A sustainable practice that helps maintain the health of trees, adding to
their life span and avoiding unnecessary and costly replacement of trees and
shrubs - Eliminates the unnecessary waste and debris caused by shearing; natural
pruning is selectively pruning only what needs to be pruned for the health of the
Green Organizations
EnviroStars Member: Certifying Environmentally Responsible Business Practices
The EnviroStars Program was created in King County, Washington in 1995, as a service of the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. It has since been adopted across the region in Jefferson, Kitsap, Pierce, Skagit, Spokane, and Whatcom Counties.
The mission of EnviroStars is to provide assistance and incentives for smaller businesses to reduce hazardous materials and waste, in order to protect public health, municipal systems, and the environment.
EnviroStars is an objective third party certification you can trust
- Local government consultants do on-site business assessments
- Potential EnviroStars are reviewed by WA Department of Ecology
- An on-going renewal process assures standards are maintained over time
The EnviroStars logo gives you an easy way to find and support environmentally responsible businesses in your community
- Reinforcing safer, healthier business practices
- Creating economic value for local business
- Aligning lifestyle, work and purchasing choices with your values
Who we are and what we do: The EnviroStars Cooperative (Coop)
- We are a consortium of government agencies and partnership organizations which have been licensed to provide EnviroStars certification (link to contact page)
- We are business technical assistance consultants, leveraging resources and sharing expertise
- We are creating consistent expectations and green guidance for businesses
Greenleaf Landscaping has received a 5-Star Certification with EnviroStars – their highest rating! We have been members since 2015.
If you would like to learn more, please visit:
WALP Member: Washington Association of Landscape Professionals
Because of our commitment to the environment, Greenleaf Landscaping has been recognized for its Environmental Stewardship. We have been distinguished for our Environmental Landscape Maintenance by the Washington Association of Landscape Professionals (W.A.L.P) FOURTEEN TIMES since 2008!
W.A.L.P. is an association comprised of over 380 member firms consisting of over 1,400 individuals representing contractors, architects, designers, gardeners, landscape, irrigation, nursery, stone, and equipment suppliers, educators, and consultants.
“The Environmental Landscape Awards celebrate how quality design, workmanship, and maintenance enhance the natural beauty of our environment and exemplifies our Association’s goal of responsible environmental stewardship,” said W.A.L.P. President Richard Casey of Casey’s Landscaping. “It is even more significant that this award was selected by a peer panel of experts in the field. We at W.A.L.P. are in awe of these Industry leaders and their award winning projects.”
Greenleaf Landscaping has also been published in Northwest Landscape Professional in 2008, 2009, and 2012 for awards it has received from W.A.L.P.
Greenleaf Landscaping has been a member of WALP since 2005.
To learn more about W.A.L.P visit:
ISA Member: International Society of Arboriculture
Benefits of Obtaining an ISA Certification Credential
The tree care profession has experienced rapid growth over the past decade and there is a significant amount of knowledge required to perform at the highest level. ISA credentials help consumers identify qualified, knowledgeable tree care professionals.
Earning a credential is a voluntary activity, but it demonstrates that you have the proper knowledge and skills, as well as a high level of dedication to your profession and your community. ISA Certified Arborists understand the importance of continued education and how it helps to make the world be a better place, one tree at a time.
ISA credentials are valued and trusted because they let consumers know that you possess a high degree of knowledge about caring for and maintaining trees. When developing an exam, a panel of subject matter experts from around the world completes a job task analysis, and then writes an exam that encompasses the defined skills. ISA credentials build expert knowledge and reflect the professional skills sought by leaders from the public and private sectors, including training, academia and government organizations.
Earning an ISA credential has many benefits. A few of the major benefits are listed below.
- Certification builds an individual’s self-image. By studying for and passing the exam, individuals reaffirm to themselves and their peers a thorough knowledge and dedication to arboriculture.
- Certification affords the public and those in government the opportunity to make an informed selection of services based on the knowledge and advanced training demonstrated by an ISA Certification.
- The process of becoming ISA Certified and maintaining the designation provides incentives to the individual to continue his or her ongoing professional development.
- Certification is a tool to help employers in both training their personnel and selecting new employees.
- Holding an ISA credential can lead to an increase in income and promote new opportunities in professional advancement.
- Certification is a tool used to set oneself apart from the competition and gain a competitive edge in today’s economy.
- Certifications, sometime more than price, can be a deciding factor when multiple individuals bid for the same job. If you want the job done right, hire the right people!